Thursday, April 9, 2020

The anti racist mission statement

 The Anti-Racist Action Network (ARA) was a decentralized network of anti-fascists and anti-racists in North America which existed from 1987 until 2013. ARA activists organize actions to disrupt neo-Naziwhite supremacist and white power skinhead groups and individuals. ARA groups also oppose sexismhomophobiaheterosexismanti-immigrationNativism,  antisemitism, and the anti-abortion movement. ARA originated from the skinhead and punk subcultures with influence from anarchist politics. It’s seen as a precurser to the current antifa movement. 

The ARA was something beautiful, where music, and anti fascism met. I want to revieve the ARA, this newsletter/blog/zine will be an attempt to introduce a new generation of Punk Rock fans, to the glory of anti fascism. For there is no work more rewarding, than Anti fascism.